
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fire and life safety

  “Make the investment to protect those who matter.” Keeping people alive is the number one rule for any business. Placing your employees and customers in a dangerous situation is unethical and criminal, so having in place the appropriate measure to have the fire and life safety system of your business evaluated and tested regularly will provide reassurance to you and those you employ that all measures are being taken to prevent casualties. Do not leave fire and life safety up to chance! Make the investment to protect those who matter. "Wigan Tyre Fire" by Manchesterfire is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


 If we do not know how to define our practice, others will define us. The future of facilities management depends on what we do, today. Unknown

Security services

  “If people perceive they are safe, then they will likely return to your business.” Safety is a perception. If people perceive they are safe, then they will likely return to your business. On the other hand, if they feel fearful, it will be hard for you to grow your customer base. Of course, locating the appropriate security partner for your business may be a requirement of the environment in which you operate, and determining who or what of all the available options will provide the best service with the greatest value in way of service and cost can be difficult. Leveraging a facility partner who has done the research and potentially has the relationship with the one provider who can help will save you a lot of time and money. "Security" by Got Credit is licensed under CC BY 2.0


  Find time to listen to your stakeholders to understand what facilities services really matter most to them. Unknown

Can you juggle?

“Hire someone who knows when and where to invest. As a result, the process will become more valuable.” Managing vendors and supplies, and reviewing invoices for accuracy, and running other parts of your business can be challenging, to say the least, but having facilities support and guidance to help you focus directly on managing your business operations could help you a lot. Making money is sometimes the easy part, while learning when and how to spend money can be the confusing part. In addition, taking too long to make the correct decision could mean the correct decision will cost more, while making the wrong decision could mean you will spend money twice on the same problem. What is the solution? Hire someone who knows when and where to invest. As a result, the process will become more valuable. "Juggling Things In Life!" by ☼The Beautiful Sun "IS" Shining☼ is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0  


For facilities management to be effective and efficient, it must align its activities to support and facilitate the organization’s business operations. Unknown

Can’t we all get along?

“…the more cohesive the relationship between operations and facilities is, the better their support of one another will be.” Strategic and tactical planning between the operational and facilities departments of your business is a must-have. Understanding each other's function and purpose make the whole team more effective. Communication breakdowns and misunderstandings between the two departments will inevitably cost money, so the more cohesive the relationship between operations and facilities is, the better their support of one another will be. When a group of people cannot see eye to eye, cooperation and profit are affected. Communication is key. "STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES" by jasondowns1 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


Continual facilities improvement is the new critical driver of competitive advantage. Unknown

Utilize a middleman to get the best price from your vendor.

“Hiring the company that claims to be professional but only knows enough to be amateurs, while pricing its service like the pro, will only leave you disappointed.” Hiring the company that claims to be professional but only knows enough to be amateurs, while pricing its service like the pro, will only leave you disappointed. Bhlurt FMMC works with vendors to get secure pricing that will drive down the overall cost of the service you need by leveraging our industry expertise. We know what a service should cost, and we spend time in the field to determine who has the knowledge and skills to accomplish it for a fair price. Bhlurt is here to save you time, money, and disappointment. Give us a call for more information on how we can help. "Old Arlesford Map" by Studio Mothership is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0