
Do you need that space?

  “Controlling costs sometimes means not planning too far in advance of your operation.” Did you buy more facilities than you needed? Do you have a ton of dead space in your office? Wasted space is wasted energy. If you have an office that could house 70 employees and you presently have only 5, you are air conditioning (HVAC) entirely too much space for such a small group. Controlling costs sometimes means not planning too far in advance of your operation. Having the space, you will need in ten years during the first year means for nine years you will waste money on too much space. Get what you need, not what you desire. The other option when you have too much space is to create leasable space for someone else that can help you afford your energy costs. "Industrial Lines" by musiquedecor is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


 Think like owners, and to make decision that will ultimately benefit the owners. Unknown

Business continuity and preparedness

  “If you are not ready to fail, then you are not ready to succeed.” What do you do when your equipment breaks, and you do not have another one that can replace the broken one? You panic. You jump on the internet and try to find the Jack-of-all-trades who might have another or who may be able to repair your broken equipment. The underlying problem is you technically do not have a back-up plan to keep your business running and making money. If something breaks and you do not have a quick solution to repair it, then you’re likely going to be faced with a problem that will cost you money and potentially lead to making no money. For your business to continue even when things break, you need to have extra parts and equipment and/or partnerships with people who can quickly repair your things. Being prepared means being ready to fail. If you are not ready to fail, then you are not ready to succeed. "The story continues..." by SomeDriftwood is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


  Facilities Management’s Success Formula: Right Service + Right Time + Right User Experience Unknown

Fire and life safety

  “Make the investment to protect those who matter.” Keeping people alive is the number one rule for any business. Placing your employees and customers in a dangerous situation is unethical and criminal, so having in place the appropriate measure to have the fire and life safety system of your business evaluated and tested regularly will provide reassurance to you and those you employ that all measures are being taken to prevent casualties. Do not leave fire and life safety up to chance! Make the investment to protect those who matter. "Wigan Tyre Fire" by Manchesterfire is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


 If we do not know how to define our practice, others will define us. The future of facilities management depends on what we do, today. Unknown